Art of Leadership with Robert Gass: sketchnotes

Six days with Robert Gass’ Art of Leadership course feels like 30. Happy to share these personal sketchnotes with you. Sometimes imperfect is best.

I ate a lot of yeast dressing. Spilled my guts to strangers. Laughed so hard at the no-talent show. Found out why Facebook pushes my buttons and how to really have a courageous conversation. Decided to start turning off my phone at 8pm. Reconnected to my deep joy when I’m facilitating and working with groups, and it feels like I was away for a month. Thank you to everyone who made this all happen at Hollyhock on Cortes Island (Klahoose Territories), British Columbia. Here’s a few photos, then the Slideshare is last.

I only took a few notes, but they help me remember what we did:
Reconnect to purpose.
Tell your vision to a room full of strangers in 2 compelling minutes.
Give affirming feedback that is also constructive.
Go deeper into what triggers you at work and in relationships, and tips on how to shift your state back.
Find your personal ecology and balance again.

Absolutely transformational. And with that, I’m off to eat outside instead of eating at my desk!you have been given power to serve the mission, don't waste it feeding your triggers



connect and reconnect to purpose with robert gass leadership sketchnotes
POP: purpose, outcomes, process sketchnote


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