Supporting Indigenous Men’s Health in the North with FNHA

The First Nations Health Authority and the DUDES Club have a brilliant path forward to help men connect to their whole selves. Their health and wellness models ask men, in a non-judgemental way, to “put your armour down”, and build a movement for Indigenous men’s wellness.

“Four years ago there were less than a handful of Indigenous men’s wellness groups in northern BC. How far we’ve come! Today 33 communities boast men’s clubs with many group facilitators attending one of two Train the Trainer workshops that have been hosted by the FNHA and the DUDES Club in the past year.”  FNHA 

Read all about how the work the Warriors are doing! 

Indigenous Men's Health session graphic recording

Indigenous Men's Health session graphic recording

Indigenous Men's Health session graphic recording

This is an incredible video about the first Indigenous Mens’ Gathering in 2017:

“Once there, they participated in time-honoured ceremonies to ground them for discussions, which included: community-based concepts of masculinity, what it is to be a “man”, men’s wellness, traditional wellness, domestic and partner violence, community readiness for moving forward, and planning for the short, medium and long term.”

The impacts of ongoing colonization, residential schools, and intergenerational trauma are with us today. These men, the DUDES club and their “Brotherhood for Wellness”, and FNHA are changing lives and helping men connect to themselves, culture, and each other. The FNHA knows that healthy families, communities and nations – starts with each person.

It was a life-changing opportunity to be with you at both events, and amplify your crucial life-affirming work.

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